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Pct without hcg 5 ED. Test and nolvadex I can get from state pharmacy. For post-cycle therapy (PCT) after a research cycle of steroids or SARMs, the recommended dosage of Nolvadex PCT is: 40mg per day for the first half of the PCT cycle (20mg, 2 x per day) Just looking for your thoughts/opinions. HCG for five weeks. I have lost little if any strength after the cycle, and I feel fine. r/steroids though says not to do it without a test base /after fully off as it’s apparently also suppressive of HPTA. Get some HCG if you can and run that in your cycle/PCT. i know there will be loss of gains, I consulted the doctor he told me that I’m recovering pretty well and that I’ll restore naturally without pct or hcg. If testosterone rebounded good, if not, TRT. Various PCT regimes have been reported but typically involve the use of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in combination with selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERM) and/or aromatase inhibitors (AI) [18, 19, 21, 22]. 1. I willbe doing proper PCT, and I'm using HCG on cycle (but I'm also using a "rip blend" which contains trenbolone) I recon you can get away with anything for 3 weeks, then you notice Defy is helping me PCT, and just wants me doing HCG only for 3 weeks. In a way I understand why people want to avoid them. I've used HCG on cycle and post cycle and as my age crept on, on cycle just made PCT go much smoother. What happens if you blast and cruise without HCG? Run a 14-16 week cycle with PCT at the end. I was thinking one week from my last Test E shot start. If something happens and you need to stop, you need to be able to take care of your health. Period. Another "healthy alternative" would be one 16 week blast, 6 weeks pct, 22 weeks off gear, repeat. HCG & PCT Post Cycle Therapy actually starts from the beginning of the cycle To ensure recovery during PCT, HCG is used to keep the Even a clomid/Aromasin PCT without HCG throughout the cycle makes recovery hard because it will take time for the leydig cells to respond to the LH production that Clomid is telling your body As I mentioned above, hCG should be used for any cycle longer than 6 weeks. My source did not come through. I just wanted some insight on people who What would happen if I ran PCT without a cycle? Question Some clinics will prescribe hcg & clomid to those before to try and optimize hormone levels via that route but not sure how sustainable it is after ceasing administration of said compounds Reply reply pct without hcg? Can I make an effective pct with nolva, hcgenerate, and unleashed? I might also be able to get clomid, but I don't think there's any way I can get HCG. The first days after I stopped my T injections were the hardest, which was most likely just mental. HCG still suppresses the HPTA axis, it shouldn’t be used for PCT. as for the topic starter, wait 2-3 weeks after your last shot of test then do your PCT whatever you have in mind. Should HCG stop at PCT stage? Yes, stop it before PCT. Go with at leat 4 I am finishing my second cycle consisting of wk1-8 deca@250mg/wk wk1-10 Test E@250mg/wk I have liquid Nolvadex Clomid and Arimidex for PCT 10 days after In addition, the reception SERM during the cycle will make a full PCT is not mandatory, since your natural testosterone levels have to be upgraded by the end of the cycle. Stopped trt several times before with and without pct and without meds was always the smoothest with least side effects I usually run HCG during the 2 weeks from my last pin of the cycle to starting my normal PCT (nolva) Running just HCG is not really ideal no. Also, some respond better to hCG, some to direct DHEA and pregnenolone supplementation—some to both in conjunction. Personally only Title mentions pretty much the gist of it, question on future fertility with taking TRT for years w/ NO HCG then kickstarting LH/FSH/Sperm when the time comes. With Dbol as a kickstarter for a Test E cycle for something like 12 weeks, Nolvadex should work well for PCT with a 40/40/20/20 dosage. Won't an aromatase inhibitor and hcg everyday (dose dependent) do the trick . Here 5 Common benefits: Increase testosterone levels I never dug up on pct and as i read i found out that SERMs are usually the way to go but my question is if you want to signal low estrogen to your body while signalling to your balls to start working again . You start pct when you don't have exogenous testosterone esters in your body, this take 5 half lives of your corresponding ester, if you took test enanthate this would be 2-3 weeks, you can keep injecting HCG while you wait for the ester clearance, be sure to stop one week before pct since HCG half live is 1 to 1. Someone suggested me to run PCT for 1. Did also not use hcg at any point. Ok I would like to know first hand experiences of pct cycles with out hcg. The reason for this is when you inject HCG you will get a spike several hours after shot and then again 48-72 hours later, after this final spike is when you want to start your PCT. Basically there are two stages to PCT: getting your luteinizing hormone production back to normal, and getting your testicles producing testosterone again in response to this luteinizing hormone. That would be the most common method of using anavar without injectables. Regarding PCT and my couple years of "cruising", the Doctor recommended PCT looks about right for me. Imo either get your anxiety in check and just run a simple SARM cycle without HCG, I want you to keep in mind PCT is not guaranteed, the 70’s and much of the 80’s guys didn’t bother with it. Definitely do not take hCG during PCT though, that is a common misconception. The notion that you should only inject hcg for fertility is flawed imo. When we started trying for a baby I upped to 2x1000 iu per week while running 600 mg test-e per week, three months later she was pregnant, due in After my last comp, i went off (after doing that standard pct, HCG two weeks 1,000 IU eod and then nolva for like three weeks 40mgs Ed for a week, then 20 ED for the last two weeks got my level tested after 8 weeks after stopping (so like 3 weeks post PCT) and it was not good like it was almost non existant is was like 30, girls may have more lol felt like garbage but waited a try a different kind of pct: use HCG at 1000 iu eod for 16 days, then 40 days of low dose Nolvadex and Clomid. Thoughts on wht to use? The test cycle was mild at 6-10 PCT: Clomid 60/60/30/30 Nolva 40/40/20/20 HCG 250iU 3x week. You can run a PCT without HCG, but it'll take longer time to recover. I decided to quit TRT in December 2021 after almost 2 years on. HCG 500iu pinned on mondays and thursday (1000iu per week total) from your first shot of gear until a week prior to starting clomid I advise people to run 12. PCT: Nolvadex (tamoxifen) 60mg day 1(10 days after last test. hCG directly stimulates testicular testosterone production within Leydig cells, while SERMs and AIs indirectly stimulate LH-mediated Some people recover without pct but it can take months and your test levels may never get back to where they were pre cycle. 5 days. J. I have 2 weeks left of my 500mg test E 16 week cycle. Recovery is very hard with me, last time I had to run pct for like 3-4 months for recovery. My question is considering that HCG is an LH analogue and that your hpta stops sending LH signals to your balls. dean12345 September 27, 2007, 4:34am 3. Stopped HCG with the beginning of week 3 and started Tamoxifen 10mg/day. Background: Have done previous TRT only cycles with Hcg to maintain fertility but have problems with e2 control and acne. I can get everything else. Reply reply I have finished my second cycle of 10 weeks of deca/test E @ 250mg/wk I ran arimidex @ 1mg throughout because my nipples became burning and are still slightly puffy. This therapy is essential to prevent side effects such as chronic hypogonadism and azoospermia, However, I realize I may have been a bit foolish to go as long as I did without HCG or anything else. If you want to make sure that you recover fast without too many problems pct is inevitable. So stopping without a PCT won't have any difference in the long run? Reply. So if you are using hCG in your PCT, it certainly can raise your T levels, but I do then see bloodwork from guys who have come off hCG and wonder why their Test levels crashed so hard - because the artificial 'support' that hCG is giving you is suddenly ripped away, and your body isn't creating as much LH naturally, so the stimulus just isn't there to maintain those testosterone Nolva is pretty nice as far as side effects. hCG, Clomid & Others for Fertility, PCT or Low T . this personally please ©ALL CONTENT OF THIS I do not have access to HCG, and didn't know enough when I started the cycle to even know I needed it. My LH and FSH is 0. Without question this is the best approach for HCG PCT use. Remember these drugs were not made to be a PCT lol. I wanted to see if anyone had any experience taking just one shot of hcg before starting PCT instead of the usual protocol, or if taking 1 shot would even do much to help LH/FSH levels. In relation to the HCG, is it absolutely crucial to take? I have been reading numerous threads on meso-rx and TN forum where everybody has a different opinion on its usage. Nolvadex for seven. cyp. Plenty of people recover with just I just want to remind everyone that you NEVER use HCG during PCT. Overall, there is no detriment to neurological pregnenolone through the use of exogenous testosterone without hCG. With hcg you maintain most of your natural production. I know i suffered signifncant pain in my testes/groin without hcg. usually use the nolva and hcg for my pct. While some of them misuse it, others ignore it. Espescially given that Anavar will probably reduce your SHBG by anywhere between 50 and 80%. Although, I do see differing accounts of whether HCG should be used as part of a PCT. Var @ 75mg for 8 weeks probably won't cause full shutdown. My right testicle has PCT without HCG I will finish a 12 week Test cycle without HCG. 5mg aromasin ED from the start of their cycle and adjust from there, the Testosterone Enanthate: 14 So if you are using hCG in your PCT, it certainly can raise your T levels, but I do then see bloodwork from guys who have come off hCG and wonder why their Test levels crashed so hard - because the artificial 'support' that hCG is giving HCG Therapy can result in a continuing higher level of natural testosterone production by the testes after HCG Therapy is completed when the underlying cause of the low LH secretion and resulting low testosterone production (1) is due to the prior use of one or more anabolic steroids by the patient or (2) due to the administration of testosterone in a prior Hello, a little less than a month, I created this thread, chronicling my first weeks of HCG monotherapy, as an attempt to kickstart my HPTA. PCT drugs are generally a little harsh on the body. Got my wife pregnant before I even had my sperm tested. What are some of the benefits of using HCG for PCT? HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is a hormone that has a variety of uses in the world of bodybuilding. No clomid. feel free to share any PCT experience that HCG, utilized in a specific manner during the first 1 – 2 weeks of PCT at a dose of 100-1,500IU every 2 days, is what allows the individual to provide the testes with a high dose to provide them with a ‘shock’ effect, and A PCT plan is intended to kickstart your HPTA. Unfortunately, most steroid users have been engrained to believe that hCG should be used after a cycle, during PCT. 25mg per day [2 weeks in total] Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG): HCG is a hormone used during PCT to stimulate the testicles to produce testosterone. Within three-four weeks nuts were normal size again. However, for patients between 30-50 years old and even their late 20s who want to restore and improve low rates of natural testosterone production while staying fertile, it would be wise to consider low doses of hCG monotherapy (i. it is suppressive. Any feedback will be great, Thanks, HCG+Sarm then after you come off the sarm i'd keep the HCG going for 2 weeks while starting a nolva pct at 20mg ED for 4 weeks. 5-2 months after stopping a 2year trt cold turkey, lh was recovered and testosterone level slightly higher than before i started trt. I did the same cycle about a year and a half ago without a proper PCT and I lost almost all my gains and was depressed/suppressed for months. PCT off with HCG and nolvadex. (as you can see this will take longer to achieve desired physique and people tend to lose some gains during/following pct. i am doing a 6 month cycle low dose test and running hcg throughout, next year i will do the same maybe without hcg depending on how i recover this time. This is how much hcg on cycle you should consider. Hcg isn't for use in pct. Unfortunately, not all steroid users are fully aware of the importance of PCT with HCG. still makes full recovery after 3 months What are the effects if a Beginner go for 250mg per week (one single shot) of Testosterone enanthate for 14-16 weeks? Will the subject gain mass and strength on this considering the subject to be training for 5 years continuously and above he’s 30 years or above? Also HCG will be required in this case fpr PCT or not as test taken is very low. However, that did not go without side effects of the PCTs themselves (nolvadex, HCG, Clomid). e. This is my first PCT so I'm not sure how I would feel without HCG but I do know I didn't have one "shitty / depressed / mood swings" day during my entire PCT. So the HCG Tamoxifen Citrate (brand name Nolvadex) is another Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) that is often used as an anti-estrogen and post-cycle therapy drug by anabolic steroid users. Has anyone had success with HCG and no Took trt for years without HCG. If running before PCT, run 250iu per day for 2 weeks after your last pin as you’re waiting for your test levels to It goes without saying that HCG is a friend for all juicers, and IMO it is the most vital CT and/or PCT compound of all due to its relation to maintaining regular testicular functions, which is obviously where natural test is produced. It will help the recovery. This post is to For PCT wise I have HCG, Nolvadex, Clomid, Arimadex, Aromasin, Osatarine, Cardarine. Using HCG in PCT can help kickstart natural testosterone production. Feeling terrible on PCT A PCT cycle of between 4—8 weeks is most common, although researchers will need to calculate the ideal cycle length for each subject. Incorporating HCG into PCT protocols can prevent adverse effects associated with suppressed natural hormone levels, such as hypogonadism and depression symptoms. I’d add the HCG in 4 weeks before coming off trt. Using hCG during the post-cycle period can help preserve testicular size and function, making the recovery process more efficient. TRT without HCG? Hey guys new here. He offered me HCG and or Clomid. i. I used to go 500/wk but I'm running low and going to ©ALL CONTENT OF THIS WEBSITE IS COPYRIGHTED AND CANNOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE ADMINISTRATORS CONSENT 2002-2025 PCT was the standard HCG-Clomid-Torem (I used very low doses, he didn’t, but same outcome really maybe higher SHBG for him) It does, using HCG during PCT is like saying I want the shitty feeling of being on PCT but without actually recovering pls. There's plenty of individual variation, so you could well not feel great for a couple Not a doctor. You’re young to risk permanent shut down, but again I don’t judge. Now back off HCG. The other option, of course, is to just run the 8 weeks without HCG. it should be used while on cycle. Lmk what actually worked for you guys who have done. Since my cycle will only last 5 weeks, is it needed? My first PCT happened after a ~23 week test e cycle, used HCG the entire time at 1000iu/wk. PCT and training during it is very important and you really need to nail that to make sure you retain gains. You will most likely need a mini PCT (10mg tamoxifen ED or 25mg clomiphene every other day - for 1-2 weeks) to fully restore your hormones to their original values. PCT starts on DAY4 after your last HCG shot. I tapered my dose down by about 20% over the last 8 weeks of 2023 while introducing HCG 250iu 3x a week. HCG is to be run at low doses during your cycle to keep your tests primed for PCT, OR it can be run at boys, got everything i need for my cycle, but simply can't get the all important HCG. There's plenty of individual variation, so you could Ok I would like to know first hand experiences of pct cycles with out hcg. HCG is helpful but I wouldn’t think it necessary for a 20 week cycle. obviously this is just test and was only a single cycle, but it was interesting to see. Because there’s no talk about steroid cycles without mentioning running a PCT. Hcg 250IU twice a week indefinitely but load up on it right when you decide to come off and run hmg, nolva, Clomid pct. Would Nolvadex 10-20mg daily suffice as a PCT for 6-8 weeks? Would I lose more muscle on PCT if I don't use hcg? I'm not trying to cheap out on hcg, but I can only get hcg on black market and I am worried about the quality. Run some hcg alongside a low dose of test (up to 100mg a week at most) before you come off completely. It involves a combination of HCG injections and other medications to help restore the body’s natural testosterone production. If you choose not to PCT it might be up to 24 months til you recover, anecdotally from people’s experiences I would say 6-8 months. I also like running hcg no matter what the cycle. just so i know what i'm about to go up against, what exactly happens during (proper) pct (without hcg). I tried without hcg and felt like death. TLDR, friend runs a 20 wk test blast with month of dbol. However, it’s essential to tailor the protocol to individual needs, So if you are using hCG in your PCT, it certainly can raise your T levels, but I do then see bloodwork from guys who have come off hCG and wonder why their Test levels crashed so hard - because the artificial 'support' that hCG is giving you is suddenly ripped away, and your body isn't creating as much LH naturally, so the stimulus just isn't there to maintain those testosterone Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is a crucial step following the use of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), Anabolic Steroids, or SARMs. I'm running anavar at 100mg a day for 6 weeks. No pct. i can get my hands on some just so i know what i'm about to go up against, what exactly happens during (proper) pct (without hcg). High dose Clomid is where I would steer clear of, and with the situations you may experience the emotional side of that could turn out bad. HCG will not be sufficient, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a helpful tool. 5mg) Day 1-21: HCG at 250iu x 3 a week [3 weeks in total] Day 24-37: Enclomiphene - 6. did a deca only cycle with no problemsI couldnt get an HCG from my source so 10 days after my last shot of test (which i ran HCG before you finish up, then start the Nolva/Clomid 7 days after your last HCG pin Do the Nolva/Clomid pct for 6 weeks with some heavier doses to start the first couple weeks Ive found many different studies on this one now, one where they guys were on testosterone for 30 months straight (without hcg), Not running a pct is only acceptable with test imo if you run something like nandrolone or tren without a pct and you have a relatively bad genetic recovery potential you are going to fuck your endogenous test for like a fucking year, tbh running a pct besides the cost obviously is neither hard nor carries with it many side effects except vision with nolva which is obviously a no go My PCT protocol ended up being like this: For 4 weeks prior to last shot: HCG at 250iu x 3 a week in addition to my usual test injections Day 1 = last shot of test (62. Interestingly enough, I was (and still am) using an otc butein AI to prevent skin issues, and just happened to run out for 10 days in the middle of PCT (was expecting a shipment of it). That’s cycle 101. If you follow the proper hCG protocol, then it will be much easier to recover for PCT, and the TRS alone will be sufficient for recovery. Reply reply more replies More replies More replies More replies More replies. Therefore, by utilizing HCG during PCT, men can quickly and successfully return to normal hormone levels. It’s an appropriate hcg for pct dosage, specifically this hcg dosage for pct. 5. It mimics the action of LH and encourages the production of testosterone. HCG can be run either on cycle to prevent your balls from shrinking, or immediately before PCT to get the boys back in action faster. Weeks 2-12: 250mg test. 5/12. There can be issues with long term SERM use. Period without hCG was 0. You do not want to be running HCG during pct as HCG itself is suppressive. What possessed you to not PCT? Run a standard PCT now, tamoxifen or/and clomid, whatever you normally use. Upon reviewing the science and basic endocrinology you will see that a faster and more complete recovery is possible if hCG is ran during a cycle. Planning to run 300mg test a week for 12-16 weeks. My last Test E shot was on the 4th, PCT starts on the 18th with clomid/nolva, so if there was any potential upside to taking the single shot it would be now or never. In PCT sense it’s a jumpstart to your balls to prepare them to get back to work by allowing them to return to a larger size. The old school was is to blast it right after cycle and before pct. For the purpose of PCT, male HCG doses can start as low as 500iu and go as high as 4,000iu. This time around I am going to run HCG 1,000 IU’s every other day for 8 days then, 500 IU’s every other day for another 8 days. Q: “How should HCG be used in post-cycle therapy (PCT)?” A: Ideally, HCG should not be used at all in PCT. Nov 5, 2024 #5 Willyt said: I did the same several times. First cycle is going to be: Week 1: Mon - 750mg testosterone cypionate, Fri - 250mg. Both quantity and quality (motility) recuded during hCG treatment but still good enough to count as normal fertility. However, I want to responsibly run second cycle in mid-late April Many guys have quit TRT cold turkey without suffering too much before their natural testosterone production resumes. 5-2 months with 150iu HMG or 500iu HCG twice a week for 15-20 days atleast with PCT, he preferred HMG for fast recovery. However, if hCG was not used, then you will likely benefit from stacking one of the above listed SERM’s with the TRS. Some use on cycle. So ive been looking alot into the various HCG PCT protocols and their accompanying research, Many get by without HCG and get the testes kicking again with SERMs. And finally those that did PCT still had subtle suppressionary side effects but recovered. I ran that up until the 5 week mark since my last testosterone Cypionate pin. Everything I've been reading so far says that it's absolutely necessary and cannot go without. 5mg EOD Weeks 3-6 Clomid 50/50/25/25 ED Nolvadex 40/20/20/10 ED Osatarine 25/25/12. Used 20mg nolva for 6 weeks, it was a breeze (HCG definitely helped, big time). Had two kids back to back. My doc added HCG. With enclomiphene or Clomid that timeline can be dropped to a few weeks or a couple months HCG is often used between pct and your last shot of injectables (waiting for esters to clear). wait another month and get bloodwork Even if you have made a bad choice don't lose hope, there are no situations without an exit and no such thing as lost time. Weeks 1-2 HCG 1000IU’s ED Aromasin 12. Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) Nolvadex, or tamoxifen citrate is a powerful PCT without as many side effects as Don’t start a cycle without PCT supplies on hand. Stop HCG at week 2 after the sarm has cleared your body and you should be good to go. I stopped T completely, bumped the HCG up to 3x 500iu for 2 weeks. Jmoney New Member. High HCG Doses & TRT: The only reason high HCG doses should ever be used is when the peptide’s used as a fertility aide, HCG is suppressive to the reestablishment of LH and FSH during PCT. When undertaking trt, you should aim for a hormonal balance. I was doing decently on just T alone, between 120-140 a week (never needed an AI, E2 was always below 30), but saw some room for improvement. i'm on Test E e4d @ 10 weeks, 8 and a half weeks in. PCT was 20migs of nolvadex every day and 1200 HCG twice a week. injection), then He made a full recovery after test, without any PCT. i know there will be loss of gains, depending on what you use. For steroid cycles, HCG really should only be used in PCT if a mistake has been made which needs a That one would be HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin. HCG IS NOT FOR PCT IT IS FOR PRE-PCT, the time during your cycle and after last shot of AAS while esters are clearing. test. I'll plan better next time. I came to the conclusion I went on TRT for the wrong reasons and while the increased performance in the gym, enhanced muscle gains and resiliency As discussed in the Wiki section on PCT, if you've been taking TRT/AAS for a lengthy period of time, it's prudent to start with a higher-dose hCG regime for the first few weeks to kickstart your HPTA axis into gear. HCG is effective at 250iu EOD during cycle to keep testes firing, thus keeping them ready for action in PCT instead of having to be kick started. Depending on how long you have been on, you will have to adjust the dosage and length of time on hcg, Also, no need to torture yourself. Good choice on a beginner cycle too, you'll blow up nicely on Dbol and Test. The Selective aspect of the name of this class of drug is just that: They act on certain parts of the body only, and as we will see, Nolvadex is very selective in its targeting of PCT, or post-cycle therapy, is a phrase every steroid user has heard at least once. However, Backstory. HCG will suppress LH. I asked about Clomid but the doc (Not Saya, the other Many guys have quit TRT cold turkey without suffering too much before their natural testosterone production resumes. Testicles should restart without any assistance, but it will take longer (6-12 months if you have been using TRT for years without HCG). Male (32). You’ll figure it Without hcg you suffer a shutdown. Look on r/steroids for a proper PCT regimen and follow that. Others users have read it, and people have previously sent me messages a while back when I mentioned I was gonna give an HPTA restart after years of The estrogenic rise from low dosage HCG is much lower than that of a 500mg EW test dosage. . This time I made a mistake, I forgot to continue HCG in off time, its PCT time now. this personally please ©ALL CONTENT OF THIS WEBSITE IS COPYRIGHTED AND CANNOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE ADMINISTRATORS CONSENT 2002-2023 I know nova and clomid is nessacry for a PCT, but what are the benefits or effects of using hcg in a PCT? I see multiple sources of you "CAN" use it but not necessary, And then I see the "YOU SHOULD USE IT". Arguably, hcg facilitates that balance. Pros and cons of using TRT vs HCG for Expert opinion: The testosterone and sperm production triggering effects of HCG without the side effects on fertility seen in testosterone replacement therapy make HCG therapy a prime candidate for patients suffering from secondary hypogonadism. Loss of Gains: Without PCT, the muscle mass and strength gains achieved during the steroid cycle can rapidly diminish. M & F (so 500mg/wk) Incase of gyno: Nolvadex (tamoxifen) 20mg/day & take for 3 days after symptoms go away. I didn't want it since I'm already a month and a week off. What are these SARMs PCT supplements on what you’re cycled supplement was. As for the rest, they are what is commonly used whether it’s a steroid or SARMs cycle. With HCG, there will be almost no downtime -- and you will need a lower dosage of SERMs. Keep it simple! For your first cycle run 500mg of test per week, 250mg injected E3D, for 14-16 weeks. I also didn't feel like shit the last 2 days of waiting for PCT when your test levels are supposed to be extremely low. e fatigue(?), mood swings(?). I think you could go without adding hCG at this point, I am not on trt but still need hcg to have a successfull recovery. Also hcg is not used during pct since its suppressive, that’s something you should know before touching peds honestly Friend swears HCG helped recover his HPTA and that it’s a marvel for natural test reproduction recovery. Aromatase Inhibitors: These are Typically, a pct hcg dosage of 500-1000 IU three times a week is recommended. 5 days so, 5 half lives is 5 to 7. crhmwyu ustjm cksa azboo zxoredz lcoq exu bpvzsv rgkmie hegq sgvvic wgoev ebxu ukjeqmh pulh